Fire Prevention

Mendon Fire Department

The Mendon Fire Department is dedicated to the safety and protection of our community’s quality of life from all hazards through a well trained, professional, rapid response team, seeking opportunities to serve, and placing others before themselves. 

Contact Information

Mendon Fire Department

8 Morrison Drive

Mendon, MA 01756

Dispatch: (508) 478 – 2737

Business Inquires: (508) 473 – 5330

Inspections and Permits

To schedule an inspection or request a permit please call the Mendon Fire Department at 508-473-5330

Open Burning Season

      • Open burning season is from January 15th to May 1st each year.
      • Permit Required from Mendon Fire Department
      • Weather conditions can change rapidly, especially in the spring, and fire wardens will determine on a daily basis when it is safe to conduct open burning. If winds kick up or other atmospheric conditions change suddenly, making it unsafe to burn, permits can be rescinded. 
      • The open burning must be a minimum of 75 feet from all buildings and must be conducted between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and must take place on the land closest to the source of material to be burned, according to Department of Environmental Protection regulations (310 CMR DEP 7.07). 

Burning, with a permit for the following materials is allowed:

      • Brush, cane, driftwood, and forestry debris from other than commercial or industrial land clearing operations.
      • Materials normally associated with the pursuit of agriculture such as fruit tree prunings, dead raspberry stalks, blueberry patches for pruning purposes, and infected bee hives for disease control.
      • Trees and brush resulting from agricultural land clearing.
      • Fungus infected elm wood, if no other acceptable means of disposal is available. 

Burning for the following materials is not allowed:

      • Brush, trees, cane and driftwood from commercial and/or industrial land clearing operations.
      • Grass, hay, leaves and stumps, and tires.
      • Construction material and debris.

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