Mendon Police Introduce New Badge
“The police station featured on the badge is a reminder of the strong relationship we have with the community and the collaborative efforts that allow us to continue improving public safety,” said Chief Kurczy.
Domestic Violence or family violence is the abuse of power or control. It is behavior used by one person to control another through force or threats. A batterer makes a choice to strike, hit, kick, punch or threaten the victim. Domestic violence includes physical and sexual attacks and threats. These violent acts are criminal and the batterer can be prosecuted for committing them. The acts are a means of controlling the victim’s thoughts, feelings and behavior. The violence does not lessen over time. The threats and / or beatings generally happen more often with time, last longer and cause greater physical injuries.
Emotional abuse and insulting words are almost always part of the abuse pattern, but are not considered criminal acts. The wounds from these injuries, however, may be more difficult to heal. Domestic violence is not caused by or provoked by the actions or inaction’s of the victim. Domestic violence is not directly caused by alcohol or drug abuse, depression, lack of money, lack of a job, mental illness or abuse as a child. However, existing problems often create additional stress in a relationship and may increase the risk of violence. Many abusers blame the victim or other things for their violent acts and do not take responsibility for the abusive behavior. There is never an excuse for violence.
SafeLink (Statewide Domestic Violence) | 877-785-2020 |
National Domestic Violence Hotline | 800-799-7233 |
National Sexual Assault Hotline | 800-656-4673 |
Child at Risk Hotline | 800-792-5200 |
The Town of Mendon falls under the jurisdiction of the:
Milford District Court
261 West Street
Milford, Massachusetts
Phone: (508) 473-1260
You do not need an appointment or a referral to file for a restraining order. You may contact Milford District Court anytime during business hours between 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM to apply for an order. If you are looking for assistance after hours, please reach out to the Mendon Police Department who can access an on-call judge through the Judicial Response System.
“The police station featured on the badge is a reminder of the strong relationship we have with the community and the collaborative efforts that allow us to continue improving public safety,” said Chief Kurczy.
The Mendon Police Department is proud to share that we have officially earned accreditation from the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission (MPAC). This recognition reflects our