Crash Reports

After you have been in a

Motor Vehicle Crash

M.G.L. Chapter 90, Section 26 requires a person who was operating a motor vehicle involved to complete the Motor Vehicle Crash Operator Report form in a crash in which:

any person was killed

any person was injured 

there was damage in excess of $1,000 to any one vehicle or other property

Send your operator’s crash report to each of the following agencies:


Mendon Police Department

Crash Records

22 Main Street

Mendon, MA 01756-9998

Registry of Motor Vehicles

Crash Records 

P.O. Box 55889

Boston, MA 02205-5889

Insurance Company

In addition to contacting your insurance company to report the motor vehicle crash, they will require a copy of your operator’s crash report.

In our continuing effort to improve the processing and delivery of Crash Reports, you may complete your request online to receive the report free of cost. Although your request will be received immediately, please allow up to ten (10) business days for processing.


Crash Report Request

Your Information (Requestor)

In order to get this information back to you, please fill out the following:
Address *

Involved Person Information

Because you were not the person involved in the crash, please provide us with the name of one person who was involved in the crash so we may locate the record.
Involved Person Address *
Involved Person Address

Incident Information

In order to provide the information, you are requesting, please complete the following:
Time of Crash


The actual cost of reproducing the record or any storage device may be charged to the requestor. If more than 2 hours is required to search, compile, segregate, redact or reproduce a record the hourly rate of not more than $25.00 will be charged. Single and double-sided black and white paper copies or printouts cannot exceed $0.05 per page

Online FOrms

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