The Mendon Police Department is pleased to announce that we will be holding a Youth Summer Academy from Wednesday, August 11, 2021 through Sunday, August 15, 2021 from 8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
During the program, students, age 12 to 18, are introduced to an age-appropriate academy-like environment where they see a glimpse of what real police cadets experience in order become sworn officers. Officers of the Mendon Police Department will come together to teach courses and educate the students on the type of self-discipline the police officers must maintain in their roles every day. The academy features classroom instruction, hands-on scenario-based training, and physical activities. Classroom instruction will touch on a variety of subjects such as Criminal Law, Motor Vehicle Law, Domestic Violence, Community and Ethical Policing, as well as Constitutional Law. Students will then use the information they learned from the classroom instruction and perform scenario-based training such as Motor Vehicle Stops, Defensive Tactics, and Firearms.
Once graduated from the Youth Summer Academy, students will have the opportunity become a part of the Police Explorers, where they will be able to participate in monthly Police Explorer meetings as well as local community events such as the Mendon Town Fair, Public Safety Day, Senior Center Breakfast, Veterans Appreciation Dinner, and various traffic control details in the town.
Applications can be completed online through the Mendon Police Department’s website. The application deadline is July 23, 2021 at 5:00pm. Questions regarding the academy can be forwarded to Sergeant Donald Blanchette at